Wednesday, 20 June 2012


A couple of weeks ago I decided to try out a subscription food service called 'graze'. I had never heard of this company before until I saw a few people at college who where using this service and decided to give it a go after looking on their website (

 Graze is a company offering a subscription food service where they will deliver a box packed with 4 food snacks to your home or workplace. The company was originally set up by a group of friends who found that they couldn't eat the food they loved at work, and found that others shared this same issue too. So they set up graze as a solution to this problem. It seems that the company's slogan is 'nature delivered', and they are true to this in the foods they source and the packaging of the food.

The graze box is the perfect size to fit through a letterbox so there's no need to worry about being there to collect it. When it arrived there were two plastic strips around the box to stop it coming open, although I took these off before the photo was taken.

When the box is opened there is a picture on the inside lid of the box and your 4 snacks with a leaflet containing nutritional information about the food. The graze company are also pretty big on recycling, so on the back of the leaflet there are instructions on how to recycle all the packaging of the box and food, there is a note on the side of the box saying 'the graze box - just wood, vegetable ink and a bit of water', and underneath the containers of food there is a 100% recycled napkin.

This leaflet contains all the nutritional information you would normally find on food packaging including the ingredients, calories, fat content etc. and also points out other useful facts like whether a snack counts as one of you 5 a day or whether its high in fiber.

When you set up you subscription service you can choose from one of two options: either a 'nibblebox' which can contain any of the food in their range, or a 'nutritionbox' which will only contain healthier options. I chose the 'nibblebox'. You can then browse through their food range and rate the foods either bin, try, like, or love and anything you put in the bin category they will not send you. You can also tick a box titled send soon to get more choice as to what comes in your box. I was quite open to trying things out but wasn't keen on much in the nuts or seeds categories, but that's just personal taste.
In this box I received:

 apple & cinnamon flapjack - rustic rolled oat flapjack with apple and cinnamon.

 My Thai - sweet chilli sauce with baked soy bites.

 bakewell tart - cherry sultanas, almonds and cranberries.

 Lemon Meringue - mini meringue, lemon sultanas & yogurt dipped peanuts.

This was actually the second box that I have tried from them. Overall I have really like the food in the boxes and think the portion size is adequate for a snack. I have discovered a few new foods through these boxes too such as dried sour mango (which I absolutely love!), flavoured sultanas (which I hadn't heard of before but actually taste like the flovour they are e.g. lemon sultanas) and the baked soy bites were really nice!

 I think that the only down side to these boxes for me is the price. They cost £3.79 each, which includes the delivery of the box too. I'm not sure how much the delivery cost of these boxes would be, but if I were to buy these snacks individually elsewhere I would probably be willing to pay about 60p for each one and so £2.40 in total. So maybe the added price is for the luxury of having this ready make box delivered to you, but personally I wouldn't be able to afford these.

If you would like to try a box out for free, and you can cancel the service at any time, I have a coupon code available. Just enter the code '35ZXWVM' when ordering your first box.

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